Abogado de Bancarrota
Los Angeles
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La ley brinda alivio a individuos y empresas que buscan protección de sus acreedores. Las diversas formas de bancarrota permiten a los deudores eliminar o reestructurar sus deudas y seguir adelante. El abogado de MVP Law Group, A PC, maneja la mayoría de los tipos de quiebras en nombre de clientes que enfrentan deudas excesivas, ejecuciones hipotecarias, embargos de salarios o el fracaso de una pequeña empresa.
Nuestro abogado entiende que el camino que lo llevó a su búsqueda de un abogado de bancarrota fue muy irregular y aterrador. Es probable que estés asustado, intimidado, tal vez avergonzado y sin duda te sientes abrumado. Pero hay una salida, hay soluciones reales, y la buena noticia es que ya ha dado el primer y más importante paso para resolver sus problemas financieros: ha reconocido su necesidad de ayuda y está visitando nuestra página web. El temor de perder potencialmente su hogar, el acoso incesante de los acreedores, las demandas, los embargos salariales, los gravámenes bancarios: entendemos lo estresantes que son y el daño que pueden causar a su salud, su desempeño laboral, su matrimonio y su reputación en la comunidad. Podemos ayudar de una manera muy tangible.
Why do I need an estate plan?Most of us spend a considerable amount of time and energy in our lives accumulating wealth. With this, there comes a time to preserve wealth both for enjoyment and future generations. A solid, effective estate plan ensures that your hard-earned wealth will remain intact as it passes to your beneficiaries, instead of being siphoned off to government processes and bureaucrats.
If I don’t create an estate plan, won’t the government provide one for me?"YES. But your family may not like it. The government’s estate plan is called “Intestate Probate” and guarantees government interference in the disposition of your estate. Documents must be filed and approval must be received from a court to pay your bills, pay your spouse an allowance, and account for your property–and it all takes place in the public’s view. If you fail to plan your estate, you lose the opportunity to protect your family from an impersonal, complex, governmental process that can become a nightmare. Then there is the matter of the state and federal government’s death taxes. There is much you can do in planning your estate that will reduce and even eliminate death taxes, but you don’t suppose the government’s estate plan is designed to save your estate from taxes, do you? While some estate planners favor Wills and others prefer a Living Trust as the estate plan of choice, all estate planners agree that dying without an estate plan should be avoided at all costs.
What’s the difference between having a Will and a Living Trust?A Will is a legal document that describes how your assets should be distributed in the event of death. The actual distribution, however, is controlled by a legal process called probate, which is Latin for “prove the Will.” Upon your death, the Will becomes a public document available for inspection by all comers. And, once your Will enters the probate process, it’s no longer controlled by your family, but by the court and probate attorneys. Probate can be cumbersome, time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally traumatic during a family’s time of grief and vulnerability. Con artists and others with less-than-pure financial motives have been known to use their knowledge about the contents of a Will to prey on survivors. A Living Trust avoids probate because your property is owned by the Trust, so technically there’s nothing for the probate courts to administer. Whomever you name as your “successor trustee” gains control of your assets and distributes them exactly according to your instructions. There is one other crucial difference: A Will doesn’t take effect until your death, and is therefore no help to you during lifetime planning, an increasingly important consideration since Americans are now living longer. A Living Trust can help you preserve and increase your estate while you’re alive, and offers protection should you become mentally disabled.
The possibility of a disabling injury or illness scares me. What would happen if I were mentally disabled and had no estate plan or just a Will?Unfortunately, you would be subject to “living probate,” also known as a conservatorship or guardianship proceeding. If you become mentally disabled before you die, the probate court will appoint someone to take control of your assets and personal affairs. These “court-appointed agents” must file a strict accounting of your finances with the court. The process is often expensive, time-consuming and humiliating.
If I set up a Living Trust, can I be my own trustee?"YES. In fact, people who create most Living Trusts act as their own trustees. If you are married, you and your spouse can act as co-trustees. And you will have absolute and complete control over all of the assets in your Trust. In the event of a mentally disabling condition, your hand-picked successor trustee, not the court’s appointee, assumes control over your affairs.
Will a Living Trust avoid income taxes?NO. The purpose of creating a Living Trust is to avoid living probate, death probate, and reduce or even eliminate state and federal estate taxes. It’s not a vehicle for reducing income taxes. In fact, if you’re the trustee of your Living Trust, you will file your income tax returns exactly as you filed them before the trust existed. There are no new returns to file and no new liabilities are created.
Can I transfer real estate into a Living Trust?YES. In fact, all real estate should be transferred into your Living Trust. Otherwise, upon your death, depending on how you hold the title, there will be a death probate in every state in which you hold real property. When your real property is owned by your Living Trust, there is no probate anywhere.
Is the Living Trust some kind of loophole the government will eventually close down?NO. The Living Trust has been authorized by the law for centuries. The government really has no interest in making you or your family suffer a probate that will only further clog up the legal system. A Living Trust avoids probate so that your estate is settled exactly according to your wishes.
Isn’t a Living Trust only for the rich?NO. A Living Trust can help anyone protect his or her family from unnecessary probate fees, attorney’s fees, court costs and state and federal estate taxes. In certain circumstances even individuals with small estates can derive meaningful benefits.
What is the federal estate tax?The federal estate tax is a tax levied by the federal government upon the estate of a deceased person. The federal government gives certain exclusions and deductions and then taxes everything above a set level.
What is a state estate or inheritance tax?A state estate tax is a tax levied by a state government upon the estate of a deceased person. It is levied in much the same way as the federal estate tax. A state inheritance tax is a tax levied by a state government that varies depending upon the relationship of the inheritor to the deceased person. Many states have a separate state estate or inheritance tax which kicks in at a lower level than that of the federal government.
What is portability?Portability is where the surviving spouse can use the amount of federal estate tax exclusion that their deceased spouse left unused at their death. Portability has been part of the law since 2011, though it was temporary until 2013.
Must an estate tax return be filed if portability will be utilized?Yes. Portability must be elected on a timely-filed federal estate tax return. This is the case even though a federal estate tax return would not otherwise be required, such as if the estate of the deceased spouse is below the threshold for federal estate taxation.
Tipos de declaraciones de quiebra
Capítulo 7
Este tipo de bancarrota del consumidor liquida la mayoría de las deudas, lo que permite al deudor comenzar de nuevo. A menudo se le llama "liquidación".
Capítulo 13
Este tipo de bancarrota permite a los deudores reorganizar sus deudas, ayudándoles a desarrollar un plan de pago durante tres o cinco años que reembolsa parte o la totalidad de la deuda. Este tipo de bancarrota a veces se conoce como bancarrota de "plan de pago".
Capítulo 11
Este tipo de bancarrota está destinado a ayudar a las empresas a reorganizarse. Puede ser iniciado por el dueño del negocio o por acreedores que soliciten el pago. También se conoce como "reorganización" y puede aplicarse a algunas personas con una gran cantidad de deuda.
Violación de descarga
Como consumidor que ha pasado por el proceso de bancarrota, está protegido por su descargo de bancarrota y la Ley de prácticas justas de cobro de deudas (FDCPA). Usted tiene derechos que lo protegen del hostigamiento del cobro de deudas .
Respondiendo preguntas y guiando a los clientes a través de la bancarrota
La ley brinda alivio a individuos y empresas que buscan protección de sus acreedores. Las diversas formas de bancarrota permiten a los deudores eliminar o reestructurar sus deudas y seguir adelante.
Trabajamos con los clientes para asegurarnos de que comprendan las opciones de bancarrota disponibles para ellos según las leyes federales y de California. Los educamos sobre los beneficios y las desventajas de cada tipo de presentación para que los clientes sepan qué esperar.
Obtenga más información sobre las soluciones legales de bancarrota que MVP Law Group puede proporcionar. ¡Contáctenos hoy para una consulta gratuita para obtener más información!