LGBTQ Estate Planning
Learn more about the various planning options that MVP Law Group can provide. Contact us today for a Free Consultation to learn more!

Estate planning is utilized by everyone including those who are single, married, straight, or part of the LGBTQ community. While there are still challenges in some parts of the country to having same-sex couples’ rights recognized, there are many legal options available to protect these rights.
As with any relationship, there are legal options available to protect your estate and provide for your partner. An LGBTQ couple can avoid numerous problems through proper estate planning, and should take the following into consideration.
Make sure you have an up-to-date Will
Consider making a Trust
Consider a Domestic Partnership Agreement (DPA)
Utilize Life Insurance
Designate a beneficiary for your retirement and other assets
Plan for hospitalization with advance directives
Get other documents in order including General Durable Power of Attorney, HIPAA Authorization and Designation of Agent
A comprehensive estate plan allows same-sex couples to provide for each other whether or not they are married. As estate plan also provides extra protection for a spouse or partner during life-changing events, when it is important to have a loved one there to make decisions and handle important affairs.
At MVP Law Group, we have extensive experience in creating estate plans for same-sex couples and can help provide additional legal documentation to protect a couple's rights. We are available for a Free Consultation and can address your questions.
In addition, find out more with our list of Frequently Asked Questions.
How MVP Law Group can help!
Problems can occur when people don’t correctly coordinate all of the aspects of passing on their estate. If you have a well-drafted estate plan in place, you will ensure that your estate passes to whom you want, when you want, and is carried out in your chosen manner. With the right estate plan, you can rest assured that your family won’t have to endure a public process and face high probate costs. The government will also not be able to take a large portion of what you’ve spent a lifetime building. But you need to be aware of the many options that exist in estate planning – and you must choose your estate planning attorney wisely.
We offer a wealth of free information and free estate planning seminars in your area. Explore the resources available on our website, join us for a free Estate Planning Seminar, and request a Free Consultation.
We want you to feel confident about the choices you make, and we can be your guide on the path toward preserving your family’s future.